Sunday, December 11, 2011

Rebuild Your Credit After Wage Garnishment

Imagine having a student loan and repaying it regularly. Then there comes a day where you have some financial misfortune in your life and you skip some payments.

Before you know it you are getting way behind on your payments and the effect on your credit score can end up a disaster.

This excerpt from a letter to Fox News is an interesting read:

Federally granted student loans always start off great, with low interest rates and favorable terms. Keep them in good standing and life is grand. Allow them to descend into default, however, and you get in trouble.
The damage to your credit report begins with your first missed payment, but your credit score really takes a nosedive when the loan defaults. Having the big "D" on a credit report is terribly damaging.
It gets worse when your wages are getting garnished since these payments will not restore your credit score.

Read the original story at:

Friday, November 4, 2011

How To Claim Exemptions From Garnishment

Is your paycheck being garnished? If so, you know how difficult this can make your overall financial situation and chances are it wasn't good to start with.

Thankfully, federal law does place a limit on how much can be taken out at any one time. When a normal garnishment has been put into place, a maximum of 25% of your income may be taken out. If you meet income requirements though, this amount may be less under the law. The major exception is child support. If you are behind on your support payments, the limit is raised to 50%.

If you wish to claim exemption from garnishment, there are a few things you should look into. Paperwork will need to be filed to prevent the garnishment from occurring and a hearing will be held.

Social Security benefits are just one of the exemptions from garnishment unless you deposit them into a bank account. If you deposit your money and wish to continue this exemption, you will need to file paperwork to prevent the garnishment.

The same is true of veterans benefits unless you owe back federal taxes, spousal or child support. Laws concerning veterans benefits do vary by state so you need to learn the laws in your area. 

This is also the case with many other government benefits. If you believe your wages are being unfairly garnished, you will need to fill out some forms to stop this from happening again.

Check with your state to determine what other steps you need to take. The best way to stop a garnishment though is to speak to the creditor. He or she may be willing to work with you to get the issue resolved.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Obama Administration To Lower Student Loan Payments

For many students about to get caught in the "debt trap" this news will be welcomed with joy.

The Obama Administration announced it is taking steps to increase college affordability by making it easier to manage student loan debt. The announcement is part of a series of executive actions to put Americans back to work and strengthen the economy.

In a global economy, putting a college education within reach for every American has never been more important, but it’s also never been more expensive. That’s why today we’re taking steps to help nearly 1.6 million Americans lower their monthly student loan payments.

The Administration is moving forward with a new “Pay As You Earn” proposal that will reduce monthly payments for more than one and a half million current college students and borrowers. Starting in 2014, borrowers will be able to reduce their monthly student loan payments to 10 percent of their discretionary income.

But President Obama realizes that many students need relief sooner than that. The new “Pay As You Earn” proposal will allow about 1.6 million students the ability to cap their loan payments at 10 percent starting next year, and the plan will forgive the balance of their debt after 20 years of payments.  Additionally, starting this January an estimated 6 million students and recent college graduates will be able to consolidate their loans and reduce their interest rates.

An interesting take on this subject can be found in this article by Mike Konczal: Student Loans: The Debt You Carry for Life

According to the Project on Student Debt, the average debt load for graduating seniors in 1996, when this law was passed, was $12,750. Now it is over $23,200. 

When it comes to collecting on student loans, the government can take funds from your Social Security check. There are rules to the offset: the first $750 a month can’t be touched, and only 15 percent of benefits above that can be taken to pay back student loans.

Garnishing Social Security to pay off student debt ensures that the economic crisis will haunt today’s graduates well into their retirement.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Investigate Loan Forgiveness Programs

Your college career may have come to an end, but now your real work will begin.

I don't mean your job in your chosen career field, I mean repaying your student loans. Sixty days from college completion you have to start repayment.

The average student earning a bachelors degree owes $20,000 in student loans. Vocational students owe $10,000. Students in professional programs requiring a masters degree or higher owe an average of $100,000. This all comes at a time when you are beginning to be thinking of developing a relationship and settling down.

Be smart. Investigate the loan forgiveness programs that will reduce part or all of your student loans if you choose to work in areas that are underserved.

Teachers who are willing to work in a low income public school, or teach math and science classes in areas where there are not enough teachers, or with disabled children can greatly reduce or eliminate student loans.

Nurses willing to work in inner city hospitals or low income neighborhood clinics can eliminate their debt.

Lawyers and doctors who agree to work a certain number of years with disadvantaged people can also wipe out their debt while they are gaining professional experience.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Student Loan Default Rates Rise

The Department of Education released recent data that stated approximately 8.8 of all student loan borrowers defaulted in the fiscal year that ended September 30, up 7 percent from the previous year. 

Public institutions suffer from a rate of 7.2 percent, up from 6 percent, and not-for-profit private institutions suffer from a rate of 4.6 percent, up from 4 percent. 

The deputy under secretary of education, James Kvaal, says that borrowers are struggling in this economy. He also stated that there is a strong relationship between student default rates and unemployment rates. 

These default rates are the highest since 1997; they were 8.8 percent in 1997, as well. However, the highest unemployment rates occurred in 1990, when they were 20 percent. 

Though the rates are high, education remains to be a very important factor for a recovering economy. In fact, secondary education has become the concern of the nation. Without higher education, the economy will continue to suffer. Economy experts urge single parents, laid off workers and young adults to enroll in some type of secondary education. 

More importantly many students do not realize that there are programs designed to help them pay off their debt. These programs allow borrowers to pay based off of their household income, as little as 10 percent. Within 20 years, their debt will be paid.

What happens when you default on your student loan?

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Develop A Budget To Stay Out Of Debt

In this video the main tip to stay out of debt is to develop a monthly budget based on what money is coming in and what has to go out, like groceries, gas, rent, ...

Then decide what money can be used as "disposable income". Fun money!

Friday, April 15, 2011

How You Handle Debt Will Affect Your Credit Score

Debt and credit are closely connected. How you handle your debts can harm your credit rating. While repairing your credit you need to be careful how you handle your debt.

Too much debt is bad but you knew that

A large part of your credit score is based on your credit card debt. Make sure you pay off regularly to stay clear of the limits and you will look like a trustworthy borrower.

Paying late is even worse.

While keeping your debt low the monthly payments are easy to keep under control.When these payments get too high you will have trouble keeping up. Once you miss a month or two you will hurt your credit score and it will be a lot harder to get back on track.

Debt Management

Will the help of a debt relief company help you get rid of your debt? Will they help restore you credit score?

The most certain way to protect your reputation is by making regular payments.

Debt settlement can make you life easier as well since the lender agrees you will pay back less than the total amount. This will lower your credit score as well.

Bankruptcy is really the last choice to get rid of unsecured debts. The damage to your credit score will be long lasting, like 10 years.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

As a Co-Signer You Need To Be Careful

First-time borrowers often find it difficult to get a loan. Even if they are not considered a risk due to poor credit rating they are often asked to find a co-signer. This is an easy way for the lender to minimize risk.

As a co-signer you need to be careful. How well do you know the borrower? Are you sure he will be able to make the payments? And in a worst case scenario can you afford the debt if he defaults on the loan?

In a way you are being asked to take a significant risk that a finance company is not willing to take.

If the lender sues to collect, you may end up paying attorneys' fees, and if he wins the suit, your wages could be garnished.
You could even lose your car or you house!

Do you realize that the loan can affect your ability to get financing as well?

You should take adequate measures to protect yourself. At the very least have the lender put in writing that he will advise you of any delays in payements.

Read more at:

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Most Student Loan Debt Carries More Risk Than A Mortgage.

When the government shares the risk with the financial institutions lending 'government' student loans, this can help you avoid the need for short-term student loans at that time and result in you getting the money you need at the best interest rate possible.

Although the student runs a risk of debt with both options, government loans represent the least risk and offer greater opportunity for postponing payments. 

Most student loan debt is not bankruptable, so it actually carries more risk than a mortgage. Student loans cannot be dismissed in bankruptcy, so if they are at high interest or variable rate or if there is any issue of being unable to pay the premiums (e.g. loss of job), then they should be higher priority.

Concerns have surfaced over the Department of Education's role in overseeing lenders and schools that participate in the largest of the federal government's student loan programs, the Federal Family Education Loan Program. 

Student loans present a greater risk to loan providers, so they raise the interest rate and fees of student loans according to the credit score of the applicant. The risk premium was designed to compensate financial institutions for the high number of student loan defaults.  They suggested that students in financial difficulty should be seeking assistance under the debt relief provisions of the student loan program while coping with student loan garnishment before resorting to bankruptcy.

Lenders, on the other hand, want to have their interests protected and remain concerned that increased levels of student borrowing and higher student debt loads will lead to more bankruptcies and greater loan losses.

To avoid ending up as a bad credit risk, wrecking the monthly budget, and sacrificing peace of mind, many graduates would benefit by consolidating their student loans.  Again, the interest rate is likely to be better than the rate you can secure from a private lender for student loans, since the government takes much of the risk of default, thereby subsidizing your low rates.

Consolidating your student loans can help you lower your monthly payment and lock in an interest rate, so you are not exposed to a potential rise in rates which could affect your payment greatly. As time passes, managing student loan debt can seem insurmountable as life changes, and buying a home, affording transportation, raising a family, come into the game of life along with the requisite cash flow.

Another thing you might consider, once you are employed, would be to look for a bank loan with a better interest rate (or a more amenable repayment schedule) and use that to pay off the student loans.


Saturday, February 19, 2011

Seniors Are Using Finance Company Loans More Often

According to this Consumer Trends Report by the Canadian Office of Consumer Affairs (OCA) we are seeing an increasing use of finance company loans by seniors (and, to a lesser extent, by the general adult population).

An increasing prevalence of high interest rate loans with poor credit ratings could be an indication of potential financial distress for some seniors in the future.  

The number of finance company products increased at an average annual rate of 42.6 percent for seniors, from about 4700 loans in 1992 to 163 400 in 2002.  This compares with an average annual growth rate of 28.8 percent for the adult population as a whole, from approximately 268 500 to 3.4 million loans.

As the young adult population grew only very marginally over this period (at an average annual rate of 0.4 percent), this represents very significant growth in installment loans.

The number of loans from traditional financial institutions grew at an average annual rate of 16.2 percent over the decade (from approximately 487 000 to 2.2 million loans), while the number of installment loans from finance companies increased at an average annual rate of 37.6 percent (from approximately 14 300 to 348 900 loans).

Because finance companies generally charge a higher rate of interest on loans than do traditional financial institutions, this is generally bad news for these people.

The cost of paying back these more expensive loans means there is less money remaining for the good things in life or even for their basic needs.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

More People Than Ever Before Have Credit Card Debt

More people than ever before have credit card debt and they are looking for solutions that will allow them to manage this debt in way that will finally help them to be debt free in a minimal amount of time.

Studies show that most people who are having bad credit histories manage their finances very poorly because they do not even know how much their debts are.

Sometimes debt consolidation is one of the best options for getting out from under high interest debt like credit card debt and arranging a single, lower monthly payment.

When debts begin to pile up around you and you can't make your regular monthly repayments on time or even at all, you may be faced with a very stressful situation. Finally it will catch up with you and may end in garnishment of your salary.

A credit card consolidation loan allows a consumer to clear any money owed over a defined period. A disadvantage is that it may be more expensive if the borrower has poor credit.

You always have to be careful when  thinking about solutions provided by debt-settlement companies. They are out there to make money too. 

Why not talk to a non-profit credit-counseling agency first?

Student Loan Defaults Will Continue To Climb

As one might expect, the trend in student loan debt is directly relative to the continued rise in college tuition and expenses. Student loan defaults will continue to climb according to Education Department projections.

Statistics reveal unexpected and dangerous trends: there are too many college students relying first on high interest, high limit alternative or private student loans than they are on low cost, low interest federal student loans.

An important factor in the accumulation of substantial amounts of debt by young family units is the rapid growth of outstanding student loans. Recent trends have dramatically impacted the number of private student loans available and the variety of terms and interest rates.

If your federal financial aid package does not cover everything, consider a private (alternative) student loan to cover the entire cost of education. But always consider federal loans and scholarships first.

Student Financial Services counselors work with students to help them develop financial plans or budgets to monitor their spending to avoid the necessity to borrow more loan funds than are required.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Are you considering consolidating bills to reduce monthly repayments?

Find out the advantages and disadvantages of credit card debt consolidation loans. Whilst it's important to understand the risks involved with debt consolidation, depending on your personal circumstances, consolidating your credit cards and other debts into one repayment may provide significant benefits in terms of savings and reducing the repayment term.
Other than being able to get a lower interest rate, debt consolidation also helps you process your payment in a much easier and convenient manner. With the presence of a number of reliable websites that offer free debt consolidation assessment, this process can become a lot easier.

Taking out a credit card debt consolidation loan is an effective way to pay off debt, provided existing credit arrangements are revised or closed down. Whilst credit card debt consolidation loans are an exceptional way to pay off debt, they can also exacerbate problems if existing agreements are left open.

You can seek help and take a Debt Consolidation Loan to settle multiple debts in an easy, manageable way. If you have outstanding debt and seek help, there is some debt consolidation management program or credit card debt settlement program available that could be the solution to your debt problem.

They can offer you a range of debt consolidation options to enable you to combine all your monthly outgoings into one lower affordable monthly payment.

This type of approach will ensure that when the final assessment is made, the person will be able to claim that they have used a debt consolidation service that meets all their basic needs and allows them to function in a logically consistent manner when it comes to the question of financial management.

Consolidation is usually a lengthy method, but if you receive the right debt consolidation data, you'll find a means to ease your financial troubles steadily and you will ultimately enjoy the advantages of your efforts whenever you last but not least turn out to be free of debt.
There are times when consolidation may not be the best option for dealing with high interest debts.

The most foreseen downfall of unsecured credit card debt consolidation is the payment of a higher interest as compared to the lower interest rate being offered by secured one.

If your debt history is complex, it may be worth the fees to let the credit consolidation company do what they do best, while you focus your energies on earning the money you need to meet your repayment schedule and other financial obligations to avoid credit card debt garnishment.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

If I am garnished and I leave the company will this affect my pension fund payout?

I received this question from a reader on my blog and I think it is worth sharing:

Question: If I am garnished and I leave the company will this affect my pension fund payout?


According to this US law article a pension can be garnished.

As I am not a lawyer I suggest you get a definite answer by a professional in your own country.


FDIC Law, Regulations, Related Acts

6500 - Consumer Protection


§ 302.  Definitions.

For the purposes of this title:

(a)  The term "earnings" means compensation paid or payable for personal services, whether denominated as wages, salary, commission, bonus, or otherwise, and includes periodic payments pursuant to a pension or retirement program.


[Source:  Section 302 of title III of the Act of May 29, 1968 (Pub. L. No. 90-321; 82 Stat. 163), effective July 1, 1970]